There are a few gadgets that help with quick breakfasts. You can make do without any of these, but it may take more time, which is what we are trying to save here!

* Crock pot
* Bread machine
* Oven you can set to turn on at a specific time
* Griddle that spans two burners on your stove
* Toaster oven
* Blender
* Microwave
* Food Processor

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Scotch Eggs

Hearty, very filling.  I first had these, not too surprisingly, in Scotland.  It is bar food there, but I love it for breakfast.   

Follow this link to the recipe: 
Scotch Eggs

·         4 hard boiled eggs
·         8 ounces of breakfast sausage

Night before:
   Work 2 ounces of sausage into a large, flat circle.  Put one egg in the center of the circle, and work the sausage up and around the egg, until it is completely and uniformly covered.  Repeat for the other 3 eggs.  Put on a small baking sheet and cover with plastic wrap; refrigerate overnight.
   Set oven to turn on, set to 375 degrees, and set time for 20 minutes before you get up.

Next morning:
     Remove plastic wrap, put baking dish in oven, for 20 minutes.  Make sure sausage is bubbling and rendering its fat before you take it out.  Serve.

·          You can fully cook these the night before, refrigerate over night, then serve cold, or warm in a covered pan on low.
·         Try adding a bit of cheese , then wrap the egg and cheese in the sausage before cooking

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