There are a few gadgets that help with quick breakfasts. You can make do without any of these, but it may take more time, which is what we are trying to save here!

* Crock pot
* Bread machine
* Oven you can set to turn on at a specific time
* Griddle that spans two burners on your stove
* Toaster oven
* Blender
* Microwave
* Food Processor

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Blueberry topping

Quick and easy.  Great on pancakes, waffles, oatmeal  or ice cream.

Follow this link to the recipe: 

Blueberry topping

1 cup blueberries
1 tsp lemon juice
2Tbl sugar (or to taste)
1/2 cup water
1 Tbl cornstarch

Night before:
Mix cornstarch with water, then add all to a saucepan.  Cover and leave on counter until morning.

Next morning:

Put on stove over medium heat until it boils, then simmer on low for at least 5 minutes.  Can leave on low for up to 45 minutes.  Stir and mash some of the berries with the back of a spoon.  Serve over toaster waffles, cottage cheese, oatmeal or pancakes.

Good use for fresh blueberries that have gotten soft and wrinkled, or for frozen blueberries.

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