There are a few gadgets that help with quick breakfasts. You can make do without any of these, but it may take more time, which is what we are trying to save here!

* Crock pot
* Bread machine
* Oven you can set to turn on at a specific time
* Griddle that spans two burners on your stove
* Toaster oven
* Blender
* Microwave
* Food Processor

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Peaches of Summer in Winter

Some of us are snooty about fresh fruit, and I am among them.  But a little research shows that canned fruit is very close in nutrition to fresh.   And this is so easy and so GOOD.

Follow this link to the recipe:
Peaches of Summer in Winter
·         2  cans of peach halves, 14 oz each (should be 8 peach halves)
·         1 cup granola
·         2T brown sugar
·         1 T butter, more or less
Night before:
  Reserve some of the liquid in the can.  Put peaches cavity side up in a baking dish.  Put 2T of granola on top of each peach.  Sprinkle with brown sugar and top each with a little butter.  Pour a bit of the reserved juice around the peaches.  Put in the cold oven.
  Set oven to come on at 325 degrees 25 minutes before you want to serve.

Next morning:
. Serve and enjoy.

·         I serve toast with peanut butter as an accompaniment, for a bit of added protein. 
·         If you really don’t like canned fruit, try frozen peach slices, and just sprinkle the granola and other ingredients over them.  Cooking timing should be the same as long as the peaches are thawed.

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