There are a few gadgets that help with quick breakfasts. You can make do without any of these, but it may take more time, which is what we are trying to save here!

* Crock pot
* Bread machine
* Oven you can set to turn on at a specific time
* Griddle that spans two burners on your stove
* Toaster oven
* Blender
* Microwave
* Food Processor

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Banana Pudding from scratch

Wonderful cool breakfast for hot summer mornings.  It is relatively low fat and low sugar, and much better than anything you will ever get from a pudding box.  Make it in 15 minutes the night before, then all you do in the morning is serve it.   

Follow this link to the recipe:

Banana Pudding from scratch

·         3 T cornstarch
·         ½ cup sugar
·         1/8 tsp salt
3 eggs
·         2 ½ cups milk.  For extra richness, replace ½ cup milk with cream
·         1 – 2 Tb butter
·         2 tsp vanilla
·         Box of vanilla wafers
·         2 large bananas, sliced

Night before:
·         Mix sugar, salt and cornstarch in a saucepan.
·         In a bowl, beat eggs, then beat in the milk.
·         Add the wet ingredients to the dry in the saucepan, stir to mix.
·         Cook over medium heat, stirring nearly constantly, about 8 minutes, until thick and starting to bubble.
·         Turn off heat and stir in butter and vanilla.
·         Pour a bit into the bottom of a 2 quart bowl.  Put vanilla wafers on the pudding.
·         Put a single layer of bananas in the bowl, cover with pudding.
·         Make a second layer of vanilla wafers, banana and pudding.
·         Cover with plastic wrap, with the wrap on the pudding surface to prevent a skin forming
·         Refrigerate overnight.

Next morning:


·         Vanilla pudding can be eaten without the other additions.  It is particularly good for people who are sick and finicky about what they can tolerate.  First made it for a friend who had wisdom teeth removed, and it was the only thing she could eat.

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