There are a few gadgets that help with quick breakfasts. You can make do without any of these, but it may take more time, which is what we are trying to save here!

* Crock pot
* Bread machine
* Oven you can set to turn on at a specific time
* Griddle that spans two burners on your stove
* Toaster oven
* Blender
* Microwave
* Food Processor

Monday, July 18, 2011

Steak N Eggs

We had steak for dinner, something we don’t do very often.  I smothered them with onions.  Wanting to prolong the pleasure, I saved some out for breakfast the next day.  You can do this with a variety of leftovers, but this one was particularly good.
Follow this link to the recipe:
Steak N Eggs

·         4 ounces leftover steak, or whatever you have
·         Leftover grilled onions
·         4 eggs, beaten

Night before:

  Curb your appetite so you actually have leftovers

Next morning:
  Chop onion and steaks into small pieces.  Saute in a bit of butter in a non-stick pan.  Beat the eggs with a bit of milk, then pour over the onions and steak.  Cook until eggs are set.

·          Works well also with pork chops, sausage, chicken, etc.  Your imagination is the only limit.

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